A lean Pendo.io alternative to manage feature requests
Roadmap Tools

Productific gives you much quicker results than Pendo.io, at a fair price. It's optimized for voting and feature request handling, tailored for small teams and not an enterprise level alternative to the Pendo suite. 

Productific is a feedback tool made for easy setup and fast value. Pendo.io is a high end suite of product management tools. With Engage and Adopt a family of products is available, ranging from analytics to in-app guides, feedback and roadmapping. When looking for a simple Pendo alternative that addresses feature voting, Productific can be a good option in some cases. Use the following comparison to see what suits your needs.

Self-service getting started. You just join for free and maintain your product listing. You can collect feedback anonymously or require your users to login and leave their id for feedback. You can start collecting customer feedback within minutes.Before getting started you need to talk to a sales representative. That talk requires your time and, ultimately, the sales person needs to be paid for.
Free plan and paid plans

While a free plan is available it only includes analytics and guides. User voting and feature request handling are not available in a free plan.

Transparent pricing

Pricing information is not publicly available. In order to get a quote you need to leave contact details and wait to be contacted for a demo.

Minimalistic, lean design and straight forward. Feature-rich and complex suite offering. 
Ideal for indie makers, small companies and product management departments.Sales approach targets enterprise-level buyers.

Summary: While Productific is not a full enterprise level Pendo alternative, it is optimized for feature request handling and gives you much quicker results at a price which is reasonable for small teams.