
Integrate guest user info and submit feature requests without login
Users Deprecated Plan: Team

By enabling this function you can enrich guest users with additional data from your system:

  • Bring your own user info into Productific's guest users. 
  • Enable guest users to submit feature requests without ID'ing to Productific.

The easiest option for integrating user data from your system is to loosely couple Productific guest users with your product's user management. This can be achieved by passing feedback user name and email as URL parameters when sending users to Productific feedback pages.

The following is an example URL for passing user info:

The following URL parameters are available to pass additional info:

  • feedbackID=1234567
    User identifier to relate feedback given to a specific user.

  • feedbackName=FredFeedback
    Display name of user.

  • feedbackEmail=user%40company.com
    Email of user (URL encoded).

  • disableInputFields=on
    Makes name/email input fields read-only in feature request pop-ups.

  • action=feature-request
    Display feature request pop-up when opening product feedback page.

URL parameters will be ignored when the setting is disabled.

Other examples:

  • https://productific.com/@MyGreatProduct#action=feature-request&feedbackName=Frank&feedbackEmail=user%40company.com
    Pass name and email as suggestions, user can edit name and email when submitting the request.

  • https://productific.com/@MyGreatProduct/a-feature-ABCD#feedbackID=1234567&feedbackName=Frank&feedbackEmail=user%40company.com
    Pass user id, name and email to register votes for this user.

Please note: when this setting is enabled, guest users can send feature requests. Enriched user data is not validated versus existing users. The product owner may need to cleanse request data and handle email verification/compliance. 

DeprecationWe are deprecating this option. In case you desire to use it please get in touch with us, first. For user integration we recommend login with JWT. For oAuth integration please see login via oAuth.