This article describes how to embed a changelog in-product with Productific. We explain what a changelog is used for, what should be shown in a changelog and how to embedd a changelog into your product/website using Productific. A <TL;DR> summary is available in our changelog widget JSFiddle.
So, what is a changelog? A changelog is a list of product news made for users and customers. A changelog keeps customers in the loop about your product and shows users what’s new. It drives awareness for new features and increases user engagement.
Why do I need a changelog? Your product is improving continuously and evolving month over month. Lots of work and effort go into product development. Usually this is the majority of investments in product companies - so never let your users miss product updates: show a changelog to engage users on the new stuff. A well maintained product changelog increases user engagement and product awareness. By embedding a changelog, anyone working with the the product can see the latest enhancements and easily navigate to get details about new features. Once users see the news they can try it out.
How do I use the changelog widget? The changelog widget can be added to any HTML-based product. In particular, to websites and web apps. Including the widget takes only three quick steps and can be done in 2 minutes. Using the widget, product news are listed in the order of availability, newest first, and users can navigate to display details about each new feature.
Step 1: Add the following tag in the HTML of your product. This will import Productific's changelog.
<script src=""></script>
Step 2: Place this HTML div right where you want your product news to appear.
<div id="productific-changelog"></div>
For example, at Productific we show our own product news as a card element with shadow:
div id="productific-changelog" class="mb-4 card shadow rounded"></div>
Step 3: Include the following javascript call. This function will fetch your product's changelog entries and render them into the element placed in step 3.
Productific_getChangelog('MY_PRODUCT', new Date("2019-01-01"), $userId, config, onDone, debug);
The parameters are:
function onDone(changelog) {
if (changelog)
console.log('changelog by Productific: showing ' + changelog.count + ' entries');
console.error('changelog by Productific: something went wrong');
Step 4 (optional): Use the optional config parameter to style the changelog widget according to your needs. While the default widget will apply CSS styles according to the styling of your product listing on Productific, the following classes can be added to modify and customize this default styling.
var config = {
headerClass: '...',
itemClass: '...',
linkClass: '...',
buttonClass: '...',
footerClass: '...',
buttonHTML: '✕'
Example: at Productific we include our own product news using these Bootstrap-based classes
var config = {
headerClass: 'p-2 text-center card-header ', // card header
itemClass: 'my-0 d-flex ', // flex-box
linkClass: 'm-2 text-left muted-link flex-grow-1 ', // link w/o any deco
buttonClass: 'm-2 pmaasColorLightGrey align-self-center ',
// hide-button in grey
footerClass: 'p-2 muted-link-a' // link w/o any deco
//buttonHTML: '✕' // default button ✕ is ok here
You can use existing CSS classes or create new styles for the changelog widget.
A website changelog template is available on the example changelog widget on JSFiddle.
Please also see our tips for writing a good changelog.